Several weeks ago a young lady from our ministry stopped by our home for an afternoon visit. As she sat in my kitchen recounting her day, I casually picked up her Bible and began looking at it. We had given her a Bible from...
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A famous person once said, “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” With the highest youth homicide rate in the world, Salvadoran youth are certainly surrounded by plenty of darkness.  It is...
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A few years ago we had the privilege of meeting Rina and becoming part of her story.  At that time, Rina lived with her mother in a humble dirt and mud home and we were asked to take over the...
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At the beginning of this year we began our Bible drive with the goal of giving out 350 Bibles and 25 discipleship books. So far, we have been able to give out 103 Bibles and 14 discipleship books! These Bibles and...
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