“That’s it, I’m not going any further.”  *Allison plopped herself down on a large rock and declared defeat. Twenty-two of us were climbing El Salvador’s tallest volcano and were now only 1km from the top, but Allison, exhausted from the hike, decided she wasn’t going any further. “I’m afraid of heights and this is scaring me!” she cried as she vehemently shook her head no. After a few minutes of rest we assured her she was safe and that we weren’t leaving her behind. With one person on each side of her, we calmly walked with her to the top. She made it and rejoiced.

On Sunday, January 9th we celebrated 15 years of serving in El Salvador. Over the past 15 years we have climbed more mountains than we could have ever imagined. We have suffered from most every tropical illness recorded, discovered tarantulas in our home, and learned to eat fish with the head on it. We have killed rats bigger than small cats, served meals under a bat infestation in our church, and have become good at chasing and squishing cockroaches with a flip flop. We have eaten food with ants in it, drank water from streams, and discovered 1000 ways to eat beans. We have been robbed, watched drug deals, and attended funerals of gang members. We have buried youth, helped drag their lifeless bodies out of a river, and listened as more than one of our girls has recounted how her father tried to rape her. We have welcomed youth in our home and took them food when they were in prison. We have been deceived by those closest to us and, like Allison, wanted to give up a million times.

Like the tall volcano, missions is not for the faint of heart. It is not to be romanticized or glamorized. Broken people have sharp edges, and when you step into their lives you will inevitably get hurt.

But, this story isn’t about us at all.

You see, with every mountain there is the joy of the summit. And, what joy we have experienced. We have baptized countless youth, held their hands as they committed their lives to Christ, and escorted them at high school graduations. We have watched those we have discipled then go on to disciple others. We have helped illiterate youth learn to read and those that have dropped out of school finish their education. We have celebrated birthdays, Quinceañeras, and weddings. We have excitedly danced for joy and unabashedly cried happy tears. We have witnessed the revival of broken relationships, welcomed the return of prodigals, and listened to the prayers of our youth as they, through God’s grace, decided to forgive what seemed unforgiveable. We have seen chains broken, lives saved, and hope restored.

As we head into 2022, we can’t help but think about what lies ahead. Honestly, we are excited. The Lord has laid some big dreams on our hearts this year. First of which is the purchase of land for our ministry center. A place we have dreamed about for a long time. A safe place filled with classrooms and sports fields and, most of all, love. Embarking on this new project will be another mountain for us, but if we have learned anything over the past 15 years it’s that God is faithful.

After a few moments rest, Allison was reassured that she was safe on the side of that volcano and that she was not alone, nor would she be abandoned. Our Heavenly Father has the same promise for us. So, here’s to many more years of climbing mountains with youth. If you have been part of this journey in some way over the past 15 years we truly thank you. We couldn’t have done this without you. If you would like to join us, welcome. The journey is hard, but the summit, it will be worth it.

“So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees.  Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.” Hebrews 12:12-13
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