I came to know Christ when I was 13 years old at a youth camp I attended. I may not have known much about Him, but I knew I was saved by grace and that, because of the cross, I had a hope like no other. I cannot imagine life without Him. – Bart Millard, Lead Singer, Mercy Me


The lead singer of Mercy Me, Bart Millard, shared his experience of coming to know Christ at a youth camp he attended when he was 13 years old. If you have had the opportunity to see the movie I Can Only Imagine, you will know the abuse and suffering that Bart experienced as a child growing up, and how his faith carried him through that painful time and eventually led to the forgiveness and restoration of his relationship with his father. Bart said he had “hope like no other” and that is what we desire as well…to restore hope back to a generation of youth who, because of violence, poverty, abuse, and abandonment, have lost hope that things will ever change, chains will ever be broken, healing will ever come, or transformation will ever take place.

This is why we love our annual youth camp. It is an amazing opportunity for us to reach out to youth in the community with the love and hope of Christ and provide a unique opportunity for them to have fun and be encouraged in a safe and loving environment. Summer camps abound in the States, but here they do not so this is truly an incredible opportunity for them and something they anxiously look forward to each year.

On August 2nd – 4th, we held this year’s annual camp. And with 101 youth participating plus numerous helpers, cooks, bands, nurses, and speakers, this was our largest camp yet.  The youth were split up into teams with each team having both a leader and subleader.  The groups weren’t merely just teams, but were more like small families with the leaders doing more than just leading them in games; but also encouraging, motivating, counseling, and praying with the members as well.  Just like a family might do as they gather together at the table for dinner, we would see the teams come together at meal time, hold hands, and pray over their meal giving thanks for the food, the camp, and each other. Other teams prayed for strength as they felt tired, for healing of sick members, and for peace and unity when disagreements arose.

Over the course of three days, the youth competed in a multitude of games and competitions that challenged them mentally, physically, emotionally, and creatively.



In addition, each morning and evening the youth were encouraged and challenged by different speakers and worship artists who led them in worship and spoke on what it means to truly be a follower of Christ.


Prayer and Altar Call


This year’s camp was the best camp we have had yet in that there was a definite spirit of oneness, joy, and unity amongst the youth. We know that this is due to the many prayers lifted up by you, and those who attended the camp, who have battled and interceded for our youth in prayer.

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped at this year’s camp, especially Meghan Nawn and Isabelle Doody who flew down to serve as camp nurses this year. Meghan and Isabelle were wonderful examples of Paul’s instructions to “do everything with love” as they expressed that so well as they lovingly cared for each youth in the camp and would often pray for those who were sick or injured.

You can check out a video of their experience here.

We would also like to say a special thank you to Vanessa Banks and Greg and Kate Hartman from Youth for Christ who came out to the camp to serve. Their help, encouragement, and willingness to pitch in wherever needed was so greatly appreciated. Kate was also a prayer warrior and we were moved to find her in the church one evening before the service praying over each chair and for the youth that would soon be setting there. Thank you, Kate, for interceding for our youth! Also, a big thank you to Alex Perez for loving on our youth and walking beside us in ministry. We love you!

Lastly, we want to extend a special thank you to each one of you who prayed and gave financially to help make this year’s camp possible. We couldn’t do this without you and we are so grateful to have you all partner with us in this journey. Thank you for making an eternal investment in the lives of our youth!

Camp 2018

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