After lunch today the boys decided to get out the calendar and countdown how many months until this year’s youth camp. They love the camp and it is always a much anticipated and eagerly awaited event. While counting the days and months we began discussing leap year with them. This year, of course, is leap year so that means 29 days in February and an extra day that they had to add on to their wait for this year’s camp (5 months and 4 days to be exact).  We talked about how fun it would be to be born on February 29th and we could see their eyes light up as they pondered this idea.  We explained to them that in English this year is called “leap year” although that term seems quite funny to them as it creates an image of a year where people go around making great leaps.  Although amusing to think about, perhaps that image is a great description of 2016 for us…perhaps it really is a year of great leaps.

On January 23rd we opened the doors to our new Hope Center. It has been our dream for a long time to have a center that would serve as a central location for our church as well as future outreach programs.  Last year when we first learned of the building’s availability, we prayed and then decided to take a big leap of faith to move forward with the vision that the Lord gave us for the Hope Center. It was a giant leap of faith that God would provide financially for the increased monthly expenses, rent, and remodeling that was necessary to get the Center ready. It was also a leap of faith that He would provide the staff to run the Center and programs. Lastly, we were taking a leap of faith that He would use the Hope Center to work in the hearts of the local youth to create transformation in their lives.

God has been faithful to provide, and so far we have been able to do a great deal of remodeling and construction in the new Center.

In addition, we are excited as He has touched the hearts of the Mission 5ive.14 team and they will be visiting us again in March to help get the drop-in center set up and ready to go!

In addition to working on the drop-in center, the team will also be helping us hold a Good Friday outreach where we will be serving up a free hot dog lunch to all the local youth and inviting them to our special worship night event that Saturday.

Planning the worship night is another big leap of faith for us because there is still quite a bit of work that needs to be done in the Hope Center to prepare it for a large event. The back part of our building is still open and the main sanctuary is only being lit with 2 small bulbs. Currently, there is no light in the bathroom so our youth have to make sure that they take their cell phones with them when they go to the bathroom so that they can see in the dark. In addition, there isn’t a sink in the bathroom for handwashing. In the worship night event we would be expecting more than 100 youth, so the installation of ceiling fans would be important as the average daily temperature here is above 90F.

So, this is where we would like to invite you to take a leap of faith and help us get the Center ready for our worship night event on Saturday, March 26th!  Below you will find a list of the projects that we need to complete before the worship night (listed in the order of importance).  We are asking that you might prayerfully consider taking a leap of faith with us and sponsor one or more of the following projects in the Hope Center:

1. Closing in back section of wall with railing $400 

2. Closing in side section of wall with railing $300 – Sponsored!

3. Rain gutter, canal,and downspout $200 (we need to install 2) – One sponsored!

4. Bathroom light, switch, and electric wiring $70 – Sponsored!

5. Bathroom sink $100 – Sponsored!

6. Pila $150

7. 6 ceiling fans with lights $160 each (includes electrical wiring and switches)

Lastly, we would ask that you might join us in prayer for the ministry.  Romans 15:13 says “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Our prayer is that God would fill each youth who enters the Center with joy and peace and that they would overflow with hope in Him!

If the Lord has impressed on your heart to take a leap of faith and help us get the Hope Center ready for the worship night, please visit our donate page to learn how you can give. We would also love it if you could also contact us and let us know! Blessings!

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